Welcome to Celmaisef's Perfect only by HAND Leveling and Honor Farming Service!

Welcome to Celmaisef's Perfect only by HAND Leveling and Honor Farming Service!

I am offering leveling, honor and badge service, its one-man service only me without help outside (friends, family or bots/scripts). A few words about me, playing WoW around 4 years so far I played with every class and skilled up every profesion atleast to 440.
I will take care of your account as it is my own.

The average level 1-80 time is 21 days. But in worst case scenario it will be 24 days.
I'm doing the leveling by hand, no bots, no chinese IP!
I am available 12/24 hours per day on msn/yahoo or my blog.
Payment's can be done in installments, for example a 1-60 can be arranged so its paid per 20 levels. Full payment is accepted at start also, however i will not accept doing a character and only being paid once finished. Sorry scammers.

Payment Methods:
Paypal, Moneybookers, Bank 2 Bank, Western Union, Moneygram

About Celmaisef's Service:
We've been playing world of warcraft since vanilla and got high experience of PVP, PVE, Leveling
and ingame Economics. That means, we've been in the realms most hardcore raiding guilds,
one of the best pvp guilds world wide and able to use the market to gain gold effectively.

* All prices are calculated after how much time it takes to achive your order. Your paying for the time it takes, not for the ingame currency.

sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010

WoW PVP Honor and Items Leveling

75,000 Honor Points - $21.99 (1-2 Days)

We will get you the honor points and selected battleground tokens required in order for you to exchange for the pvp set that you have been longing for.

Should your character reach the honor point limit(75,000) before we finish the order, please state what items we should redeem so we can proceed and complete your order without any overflowing issues.

Requirements: Character must be Level 80

225,000 Honor Points (3-5 Days) - $64.99

The Absolute PVP Set - $99

We will get you 5/5 Furious gears, Relentless and Wrathful accessories.

# Package includes: Furious Gladiator's Armor Breatplate
# Furious Gladiator's Armor Gauntlets
# Furious Gladiator's Armor Helm
# Furious Gladiator's Armor Leggings
# Furious Gladiator's Armor Shoulders
# Relentless Gladiator's Feet
# Relentless Gladiator's Waist
# Wrathful Gladiator's Wrist
# Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak
# Wrathful Gladiator's Amulet
# Wrathful Gladiator's Rings
# Medallion of the Horde/Alliance
# Trinket of Battlemaster's

Requirement: Character must be Level 80.

Furious Gladiator's Armor Set - $69

Be the first to get full set of Furious Gladiator now and start the journey to slay your enemies in this exciting season! We will get you the selected armor set that you have been longing for.

Note: We will get you ALL FIVE pieces of the Furious Gladiator's set and Extra Bonus 30000 Honor Points!

Requirements: Character must be Level 80

10Marks/ lake Wintergrasp (1 day) - $19.99

20Marks/ lake Wintergrasp (2 days) -$38.99

30Marks/ lake Wintergrasp (3 days) - $57.99

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